RPGSystems 12: Leveling 03 – Creating Experience UI

The RPGEntity class will be the center class that will control all classes that make up and entity. Below we will cover an extreme simple version that will be extended upon in future tutorials. Create a new C# script called RPGEntity This basic version of the RPGEntity contains the variable and property used for the […]

RPGSystems 11: Leveling 02 – Experience

The EntityLevel will use two different values for experience. The current amount of experience the entity as obtained and the required amount of experience to level to the next level. The RPGEntityLevel will also support the entity losing experience, resulting in the entity losing levels. Add the following to the RPGEntityLevel class We add the […]

RPGSystems 10: Leveling 01 – Basic Leveling

This tutorial will cover the creation of the RPGEntityLevel class which will control a character’s level and any experience the character may gain. Also this tutorial will contain the creation of a basic RPGEntity class that will allow external scripts to access all scripts relating to that entity. Finally we’ll cover the creation of a […]